Rosalia Meneril

Basic Information

Nation of origin:

One Power Breakdown



Rosalia’s parents were minor Cairhienin nobility. She had access to education through tutors and her father’s well stocked private library. Being a noblewoman she received an education in the Old Tongue and quickly picked up on it. She has also tried to learn Ogier from several of the Builders who come to Cairhien in order to work on the topless towers. She lived with her father, mother, older brother, and younger sister outside of the city and visited regularly.. At the age of ten her father died of mysterious causes when her older brother took his position. She refuses to discuss her brother with anyone due to the belief that he was the one who killed their father. After his death her mother brought her into the city of Cairhien to live with her father. By living in the city Rosalie had access to some of the best teachers that her grandfather’s money could buy as well as access to the Royal Library, where she spent most of her time. From the time that she learned of Aes Sedai, what they do and what they know, she has aspired to be one. This burning desire caused her to ask her grandfather to invite an Aes Sedai to dinner one night when she heard rumor that one was here. To her delight the Aes Sedai accepted the invitation and, upon Rosalia’s request, tested her to find out if she could channel. With the discovery that she could learn to channel, Rosalia asked if she could be sent to Tar Valon to study.


Rosalia is an unusually intelligent girl. She values knowledge over all else. She is fairly introverted as she spends time in her family’s library as well as the Royal Library in Cairhien. The people she sucks up to are those who collect the knowledge that she is so interested in learning or those who have more expertise in certain areas of education. She feels better than people who are lacking education or have access to it without the drive to learn and expresses this opinion when talking with them. She views men as a distraction, unless she is working on studying with one in which case they are fine, and generally tends to ignore them. She is very formal and enjoys order.


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